Owen hit the 15 month mark on Jan. 14th. He is off and running now and just getting to be more and more fun every day. He is starting to say a few words..mostly mama, dada, ball, and Dora ( which is funny in itself because he doesn't have a long enough attention span to even watch the show!) Every time I turn the TV on he says, "DORA????" (Dowa), then he waits to see if we can "find" her, and then he is off to do something else. Too funny. He is a big boy...27 lbs and 33 in. He has the potential to be a tall guy! It will be interesting to see what happens! He LOVES to play the guitar with Daddy and is still loving to sing and dance. His new thing is also to see how much dirt he can eat without me seeing it. It's like a secret little game he plays, and he cracks up when I catch him with dirt in his mouth. He is working on getting his last few teeth all the way through. Boy will we be glad when we can get a break from that!
Silly boy
Silly boy
He is such a little man! We love seeing you guys at My Gym and hopefully we can get more playdates together now that Caity is walking better. :)
Hey girl - He is so big!!! WOW! The dirt thing is so funny - sounds like there is some personality working there...I cannot get over how much he looks like you (sorry Matt). I remember a picture with your mom holding both you and I at your house standing outstide and everytime I see a picture of Owen, I think of that picture of you - he looks so much like you.
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