Friday, September 18, 2009

Play time and My Gym

This is not Owen's time out chair...Ha! He loves to be in his toy basket, boxes, anything he can get "into". So we piled a bunch of stuffed animals on him and he sat in there for like 5 whole minutes. He loved it.

He has just recently noticed stuffed animals and will snuggle with them for a second.
The flash was not on in this picture, but I love it. Too bad it is fuzzy.

We have been going to a place called My Gym. They have classes for all age groups. We go once, sometimes 2 times a week. He absolutely loves it. It wears him out!

This was "parent separation time" where all the kids are put in the middle by their parents and then the parents "disappear." He doesn't mind at all that I am not right next to him. He tends to watch the other kids rather than play with the toys, but he's getting more aggressive each time we go.

1 comment:

Dawn Lowe said...

Almost a year - can you believe it?! Kirkley just turned 10 months this past weekend - wow, where did those 10 months go!?!? You really need to put a brick on that boy's head - he is getting so big and looks soooo much older!! Gym time looks like a ton of fun and it is great you are able to walk away for a few - that helps!