Monday, August 17, 2009

Wild Man

A little afternoon fun. Owen is repeating all kinds of sounds and loves to yell! As you can see, he also loves to empty all the small trash cans around...he's into everything. He turned 10 months old last Friday. Today he weighed in at 23 lbs. and 11 oz. My arms are getting pretty strong these days:)


Dawn Lowe said...

He is so funny! I don't know who was having more fun screaming - you or him! Ha!!

And holy gracious - I thought that boy was going to stand up and start walking - get ready...!!!!

carterfamily said...

Ahhhh- that is too cute! I am excited for Layne to get to that stage....I think.

katandgalen said...

I LOVE the laugh. Love the squealing! And Owen's too.