Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Days!

Just as I thought things might slow down a little with Owen changing so fast, he proves me wrong...again. Just in the past few weeks he has mastered sitting up and playing on his own (although he darts backwards sometimes), he is starting to reach for people and he is definitely learning how to squeal or grunt until he gets what he wants, which is usually to be held. I don't complain, because they are only this little once, and it won't be too long, I assume, before we hear "I do it!" more than we want to! He continues to make getting up at 6 every morning "not so bad" and his giggles and smiles continue to melt my heart. I am looking forward to my first Mother's Day just spending time with my family. It will be one to remember!

One afternoon Matt and I were planting some herbs and flowers and Owen was fussing a bit, so we put the high chair in the doorway so that he could see the outside world and he couldn't have been happier. He LOVES the outdoors.

Strike a pose.
He'll chew on anything he can get into his mouth, even if it is his own sock!
Of course the remote trumps all toys.

It doesn't matter what we are drinking from...cup, bottle, milk carton, Owen opens his mouth and "requests" a drink. Daddy just about gave in on the beer. Not really, but Owen wanted it so badly!
Owen giggles and squeals when we chew on his feet.
Grandma Hake arrived last night and is having a blast with Owen already!

1 comment:

Dawn Lowe said...

I love how he bites down on his gums and sticks his cheeks out!

Don't worry, Owen. They will let you ALL the way out of the doorway one of these days! LOL