Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well. We have not blogged due to a VERY eventful last 4 days. As many of you know, Owen is not a fan of the bottle. We have tried many times, but he just wasn't having it! But since I have to go back to work in 2 weeks, he needed to learn...and fast. So after asking as many people as possible how to go about this, I learned that I needed to leave the house and let Owen get hungry enough to take the bottle. I left Saturday morning at 8 am. Matt was with Owen and Owen had 2 ounces during the day...obviously not enough. I came home that evening and he still refused the bottle. He did sleep, but not in very long stretches. We felt like he was a newborn all over again! So Sunday morning/early afternoon he took a little more, but not very much. I had to leave again because it was tearing at my heart and wearing me down;( To make a long story short, he finally drank from a bottle at 7 pm on Sunday night. I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say we have a strong willed little boy. Since then, he has taken the bottle at every feeding, but only after we hold flashing musical toys in his face, make ridiculous sounds to distract him, or do cartwheels. OK-no cartwheels, but Matt was dancing. Seriously silly, but whatever it takes for the time being. Thank goodness for Matt's patience to deal with a fussy baby for 2 whole days, by choice.

On our walk today.

He was seriously cuddling this little giraffe toy.
The serious look.

Not sure what he was saying, but I am sure it was something like..."I know what you are going to do to me this weekend and it's not very nice. I will get you back someday."

1 comment:

Dawn Lowe said...

Yeah for Owen for taking a bottle! Yeah for Matt for being patient! And yeah for Mommy for getting through it! We have had a little bottle battle ourselves so I will remember this for future reference! How do you feel about going back to work? So glad the battle is over!