Friday, January 16, 2009

3 months!

So we have hit a milestone of 3 months! I am so so so so happy to say that we are in a pretty regular "routine." Owen is still waking up 1-2 times at night to eat, but he's still getting in a long 5-7 hours before he wakes up for the first time, which is nice. He has been so funny in the mornings when he goes down for his morning nap. He coos and talks himself to sleep. For some reason, he pretty much only does it in the mornings, but I have had such a blast listening to him jabber for a few minutes in his crib until he crashes. I think he is having conversations with the animals on the wall...Oh if we only knew what they were saying:)

He weighs 14 lbs. 11 oz. and loves to tug on the front of his shirt.

The jury is still out on whether his eyes are going to stay dark blue or turn brown.
Tummy time is going better. He is lasting longer and longer every day.

1 comment:

Dawn Lowe said...

Oh Brooke, he is so happy! Routine...what is that?!