Wednesday, July 30, 2008

28 weeks...and counting

So we are now 28 weeks along and my body is starting to really feel it! I don't think I need to go into details..let's just say when Matt and I are ready to go somewhere, he gets up and takes off and I am about 10 steps behind...and then he remembers:) We're pretty sure this kid is going to be a soccer player, football player, or basically anything that involves a lot of kicking and moving. We have our next appt. on the 12th. and an ultrasound to make sure that "it" is headed in the right direction for arrival. After that appt. we start going every 2 WEEKS! THAT means we are getting close. Yikes. The baby's room is a "work in progress." It gets better, then worse, then better, then worse. One project always leads to another and we end up cleaning out closets and making goodwill trips that we weren't expecting to make. I guess you could say it's been good for us to reorganize and get rid of some stuff although my "sentimental-..but I'm attached to all this stuff packrat" husband would disagree:) Gotta love it.
Robyn and Derek came to visit and Matt took them bodysurfing

Before we went out for sushi...teriyaki for me!

The baby's room yesterday
The baby's room last night.

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