Life is so fun with 2 little boys in the house! Owen is starting to be more aware of Isaiah's presence. It's usually a question like, "Mommy, Isaiah sleep again now?" (when he wants Isaiah to go to sleep so that he can have undivided attention) and frantic yelling of "WHERE'S THE PACIFIER!?!" when Owen wants Isaiah to stop crying. It's pretty funny. I can't help but to laugh and that just makes Owen mad. Yes, he's sensitive;)
Isaiah was 3 months old yesterday. I am guessing he weighs around 12.5 lbs or so. He hasn't rolled over yet but it won't be long I'm sure. He is a fabulous sleeper, is the most smiley baby ever, and as of lately loves to sit in the bumbo and watch me cook. We are so lucky.
I have been trying to encourage some interaction with Owen and Isaiah lately, and trying to force a 2 year old to "play" with a baby is about I took them both to the back yard a few days ago and let Owen push Isaiah around in a baby doll stroller. (yes-I was right next to them the whole time-laughing) Owen loved it and Isaiah had no idea what was going on, but didn't seem to mind it. Oh the trouble these boys are going to get into...I can't wait.