Owen has been full of smiles lately. Of course when he is giggling and laughing, that is usually when we grab the camera. Yes, he has his fussy moments, but they are few and far between.
Look, I have two bottom teeth!
Owen loves his high chair. He eats veggies and cereal faster than we can spoon it in. He recently began putting his hand in his mouth right after we spoon food into it.
Who wouldn't wake up happy wearing guitar jammies?
I managed to catch a sweet Mommy and Owen moment (if you haven't figured it out by now, Daddy is blogging this time).
Honey, were'd we put Owen?
Owen is now able to sit by himself. He's also effortlessly rolling from his tummy to his back. At the rate he's going, I'm afraid I'll come home from work next week to find that he has made himself a sandwich and is sitting on the couch watching CNN.
He just gets more and more fun every day!