Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can we celebrate?

I know these pictures may look like just another baby drinking from a bottle...but they are the most precious pictures EVER for us. Yesterday was a great day, with Owen taking a bottle from me, Matt, and my Aunt Harriet. Of course each time we still needed to distract him (sometimes up to 30 minutes) to get him to take it, but each time is getting a little better. I still get really nervous before each feeding, but I keep telling myself that we have made so much progress, it can only get better:)

This is my cousin's little boy Eli helping to keep Owen distracted. Thanks Eli!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well. We have not blogged due to a VERY eventful last 4 days. As many of you know, Owen is not a fan of the bottle. We have tried many times, but he just wasn't having it! But since I have to go back to work in 2 weeks, he needed to learn...and fast. So after asking as many people as possible how to go about this, I learned that I needed to leave the house and let Owen get hungry enough to take the bottle. I left Saturday morning at 8 am. Matt was with Owen and Owen had 2 ounces during the day...obviously not enough. I came home that evening and he still refused the bottle. He did sleep, but not in very long stretches. We felt like he was a newborn all over again! So Sunday morning/early afternoon he took a little more, but not very much. I had to leave again because it was tearing at my heart and wearing me down;( To make a long story short, he finally drank from a bottle at 7 pm on Sunday night. I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say we have a strong willed little boy. Since then, he has taken the bottle at every feeding, but only after we hold flashing musical toys in his face, make ridiculous sounds to distract him, or do cartwheels. OK-no cartwheels, but Matt was dancing. Seriously silly, but whatever it takes for the time being. Thank goodness for Matt's patience to deal with a fussy baby for 2 whole days, by choice.

On our walk today.

He was seriously cuddling this little giraffe toy.
The serious look.

Not sure what he was saying, but I am sure it was something like..."I know what you are going to do to me this weekend and it's not very nice. I will get you back someday."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who loves Daddy?

I got home from work early enough tonight to spend some quality time with my son. Brooke snapped some pictures of Owen reaching out and touching my face.

Apparently, reaching INTO my mouth is even better than just touching my face. I assume he thought that, since he loves sucking on his fingers so much, I would obviously enjoy a turn.

Every time Owen is playing on his Gymini mat, I have to look at him from over the cross-bars...and that's just not close enough!

Ok, maybe this is just a little too close (or maybe he just needed a hug).

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day and 4 months old!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Owen had a great Valentine's weekend. On Friday, we went to the school where I teach. We visited my class (with kids who I don't even know!) and joined thier valentine's party. Some of the students were confused and called him Matthew...and I didn't bother to correct them...yet. Owen seemed to love the attention, especially since he was in the baby bjorn and felt secure attached to mommy. The day before this, we went to visit some friends I used to work with and he got overwhelmed with all of the people and voices, and he wasn't very happy when others were holding him. So the baby bjorn worked much better:) And I have to mention the fact that I got him INTO the baby bjorn while I was in the driver's seat of the car because it was pouring down rain. Don't ask me how I did it. Poor Owen was getting flopped all over the place while I was getting him situated so that we wouldn't get soaking wet.

Still not sure what color his eyes will be. Some days we are convinced they are blue. Some days they look completely brown!
Owen rolled over on Thursday night! I didn't see the beginning of the roll, but I caught the end of it and cheered like crazy. He looked at me like I was nuts. He hasn't done it since:(
We were able to go to dinner (the 3 of us) on Valentine's night. We went to get pizza and beer...yes beer and it was SO GOOD! Hope Owen liked it:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One more time...

This video is a little better than the last giggle video. I play it over and over and I even have the real deal right here! Hope it makes you smile as much as it does me!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Movin' on up!

I decided that Owen was bored with everything that he was playing with (ha-OWEN was bored), so I decided to jump the gun a little and put together his "activity center." He definitely cannot sit up on his own yet, but he seems to do just fine in this thing. He is reaching for the toys and has managed to turn himself in the seat so I figure he is liking it. As you can see, I still have a few things to put together on it, but he doesn't know any better:)

"Heck with the toy-give me that tag!"
This is the sure fire way to tell that he is ready for a nap!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Giggles giggles

Owen is pretty easy to entertain. Here are some giggles that I caught yesterday. Funny how trying to get a baby to laugh makes you sound like a crazy person. Make sure your volume is up and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bubbly Toes

Owen is starting to enjoy the bath. Not that he didn't like it before, but bath time didn't really phase him much. Now he is starting to kick his feet and smack his hands down in the water a little. He looks startled every time he splashes, like it's the first time he's done it:) Yesterday was great. Matt got home early from work and Owen had woken up early from a nap, so the boys went rollerblading while I got a pedicure!!!!!!!! I felt so independent, even though the pedicure was awful. The sweet Vietnamese ladies decided to wait until I was in the chair, feet in water before they told me that the hot water was not working...nice. No offer for an extra long massage or fancy design on my big toe...nothing! NOW what do I do? So I endured the cold water and slighted them on the tip. Not going back there again. Anyway- it was nice to get away for a short bit and see what the real world looks like.

Working the camera...silly boy.