Friday, January 30, 2009

We survived:)

I know those of you with multiple kids probably think I am a wimp, but Matt was out of town all week for work so it was just the two of us. It really was fine. We had no problems, thank goodness. We went to Uncle Ken and Aunt Harriet's house all day on Tuesday to see if they could work some magic with a luck. We are going to give that a rest for a few weeks. Owen was so ticked about the bottle that he would start screaming as soon as he SAW the bottle, so we decided we need to take a break. Sooner or later, he will have to take it because I only have about 6 weeks left before I have to go back to work. Boooo. The rest of the week was smooth. We went for a walk or 2, and even went to Bunco last night. Boy was he a hit with the ladies.

From the time he was about 6 weeks old, he started sucking his thumb AND first finger at the same time...NOW he has added the thumb on the other hand...ALL 3 at the same time. It is pretty funny. He works so hard trying to get them all in that sometimes he gags himself!
Here is Owen watching Purdue Basketball.
"BOOOO...That was a terrible call!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Windy Weekend

This weekend was really windy, but in an effort to get back in shape, we endured the breeze and got outside anyway. Owen always looks a little confused when we bundle him up because it doesn't happen very often. The first 2 pictures were before we went out to eat Saturday night. Owen was awake the whole time we were at the restaurant and played with a straw while we ate. Of course he poked himself in the eye with it, but luckily the wrapper was still on it so it didn't do any damage:) He didn't even fuss about it, but definitely surprised himself. Guess I need to start taking toys along.

We have begun a nighttime routine which includes a bedtime story with Dad. By the way, this is his newest sleep outfit...a 6month!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's not even 3 1/2 months yet!
Sunday we took a stroll on the strand. I rode a bike while the boys rollerbladed:)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A short look back...

Here is the difference between October 27th and yesterday! Yesterday, I decided to try to let him try to go to sleep in his crib without being swaddled. He finally fell asleep after about 20 minutes of fidgeting, but then only stayed asleep for about 30 minutes. The plan is to do this periodically during the day so that he gets used to going to sleep unswaddled when he starts rolling over. Is it always like this?...always a transition time for something??? Right now we are working on getting him to take a bottle (neverending battle seems like). Luckily we have some time to play with because it is not going well!!!! I'm sure it will happen soon, one way or another. What can I say, the boy knows what he likes and he's stickin' to it!Oct. 27th, 2008Jan. 21st, 2009
Chillin' on the couch after a bedtime story.

Friday, January 16, 2009

3 months!

So we have hit a milestone of 3 months! I am so so so so happy to say that we are in a pretty regular "routine." Owen is still waking up 1-2 times at night to eat, but he's still getting in a long 5-7 hours before he wakes up for the first time, which is nice. He has been so funny in the mornings when he goes down for his morning nap. He coos and talks himself to sleep. For some reason, he pretty much only does it in the mornings, but I have had such a blast listening to him jabber for a few minutes in his crib until he crashes. I think he is having conversations with the animals on the wall...Oh if we only knew what they were saying:)

He weighs 14 lbs. 11 oz. and loves to tug on the front of his shirt.

The jury is still out on whether his eyes are going to stay dark blue or turn brown.
Tummy time is going better. He is lasting longer and longer every day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Talking a TON!

Because of the heat wave we have had here this past week, Owen has been spending a lot of time in just a diaper. He seems to love it. He kicks and throws his arms around and talks up a storm. He is now sleeping in his crib at night. He had been taking naps in the crib in his room and spending the nights with us, but we felt like he wasn't sleeping as well in our room. So last night, he slept 7 1/2 hours in the first stretch, and 4 in the second after eating at about 3:30! YAY!!!!! Matt and I were very sad the first couple nights he wasn't in the room with us. Then I got really sad when we took the bassinet down to the garage yesterday. On the bright side, he is a healthy, growing, boy who is sleeping like a champ! He will be 3 months old on Wednesday!

I caught him mid-sentence. I think he was telling me that he wants to go on a road trip soon. We'll see about that, kid. Baby steps..we just got you sleeping better!
Owen is definitely going to have the focus of his father. He focuses at the t.v. and we can't get his attention...kinda like someone else I know. (Matt;)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Playtime '09

My how things change so quickly. The day after we got home from our trip, Owen started laughing! What a great sound. Matt was making some silly sounds and faces (are we surprised?) and Owen laughed at him for about 5 minutes! It was so cute and brought tears to my eyes. We are creeping up on the 3 month mark. Can't believe it. He is also grabbing things and putting them toward his mouth. Oh boy. Here comes the slobbering!
Look at those chubby legs!

Concentrating so hard on his favorite hanging toy.
I know this picture looks funny. He is laying on the couch, waiting to be fed:)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Owen not only survived, but thoroughly enjoyed his first trip to Indiana. His eyes got REAL big when we got off the plane and that cold air hit him. He did great on both flights and even got to fly first class on the way there! Lucky us. He got lots of compliments from many people on the plane about how good he was. I guess we stressed out for nothing...this time. We all had a nice time visiting with family and friends. We would have loved to stay longer and spend more time with everyone. Time went way too fast.

Baby Santa, compliments of Grandpa Hake!
Yawn, yawn!
Such a stud in his outfit from Aunt Emily.
We all love Aunt Sardine!
Grandpa Fultz and Owen having a heart to heart.
Grandma Fultz loves to snuggle with me!
Owen got to meet SO many family members. Some of his biggest fans were Kendrick, Katie, and Jesse.
Cousin Nicholas loved to hold and talk to Owen.

Will someone just please put me in my bed!?!?!?Grandma Hake loves singing to Owen. He loved it so much that he fell asleep in her arms, which doesn't happen very often!