Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Zoo

Owen's officially 3 years old now. Wow. He absolutely loved the zoo and was an absolute joy to be with ALL day long. He definitely had fun knowing that he had mom AND dad's complete attention all day long. We had planned to take Isaiah too, until the night before we went. I was getting everything out to take for him and thought, "What the heck am I doing taking a baby to the San Diego Zoo ALL day in this heat!?!?!" So I frantically got a few sitters lined up for the day...Thank goodness I found a few. All day long we were thankful we didn't have the stroller, or a crying baby!

Owen loved the sky tram and the double decker bus rides. It was pretty hot that day, but there was plenty of shade and we stopped for drinks a lot. He still thinks that Halloween and his birthday are all one big event and keeps asking why there are decorations everywhere for his birthday and Halloween. I haven't found the best way to explain it to him obviously, because he is still confused;)

There are a lot of pictures. Enjoy:)

Big boy on his special day:)
Going up on the sky tram...he giggled with excitement every time.

Couldn't help but put this pic of flamingos on here. They are just so weird!

Snack break

Wanted to play in the photo booth and pretend it was a spaceship...

Up the moving walkway..THANK goodness for those!

Pretending to be a jaguar...on a jaguar

Silly baby with pink "crawler" knees:)

You talkin' to me?

Buddies...sorry Dad, I hadn't wiped his face yet!!!

So many chompers!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Owen's 3!!! Almost...

It's that time of year again! Fall is my favorite season; the cool mornings and evenings, football, comfort food...and Owen's birthday! I will love December too when it is Isaiah's birthady, but for now I love Octover (as Owen calls it). We have had a busy few weeks and have already had some birthday celebrations even though Owen's birthday isn't until this Friday, the 14th. Owen celebrated his birthday at school today and we took guitar shaped rice krispie treats to share with his friends. (My camera battery died before I could get a pic of the treats.) We went to Tanaka Farms pumpkin patch last Saturday with some great friends and had some family over yesterday for a last second birthday party for Owen. Isaiah is now crawling and cruising along furniture. He still eats anything we put in front of him and is helping Owen eat new foods too;) We will post pics of our zoo trip that we will be taking this stay tuned:)

Addie, Lucy, Grady, Owen, and Isaiah on the pile of pumpkins

Today was my day to work in Owen's classroom. I "took the boat to Disneyland" so EVERYONE wanted to ride with me;)

Our big boy

The Servis' and the Brandts got Owen a plasma car!!!

Guess who likes it the most???

Happy Birthday to you...

Owen and his best buddy Eli

Aunt Harriet, Laura, and yours truly

Owen and Lucy Chin share a hug

Need I say more???

I think Not...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things are getting crazy fun at our house. Isaiah is crawling all over the place, pulling himself up to stuff and getting that "I want to cause some trouble" look in his eyes. He weighs 22 lbs and is pretty tall as well. He eats anything we put in front of him. I'm sure he will slim down now that he is moving more. His 7th and 8th tooth are coming in and he has been extremely whiny for the last 2 days. He loves loves loves his big brother and squeels when he sees him. Owen is still testing the waters with how "rough" he can play with him, but mostly he is pretty safe. Our "baby" Owen will be 3 in 3 weeks and we are wondering where the time is going. We are going to the San Diego Zoo for his birthday..and he specifically wants a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He is really into playing his Daddy's guitar and is getting pretty good at strumming and singing at the same time, usually singing, "I'm not gonna go up there." whatever that means!!

Owen, Grady, Lucy, and Teagan at Addie's birthday party

Ready for the rain....unfortunately it never did.

Big boy

Daddy and Owen having a heart to heart under the "jungle gym"


Funny faces in the mirror

So precious

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'll TRY!!!!!!

I know I's been too long. I'll try to be better about blogging. A lot has happened since I last blogged. Isaiah has gotten HUGE, and Owen is in a big boy bed just to name a few. Isaiah will be 9months old on Monday and Owen is approaching age 3. It just doesn't seem possible. I saw a tiny baby yesterday and thought, "Wasn't Isaiah just that tiny last week???" It just goes too fast. We are having a great summer. The weather has been absolutely perfect. The boys and I go to the beach at least a couple times a week. Owen loves to build sand castles and Isaiah likes to eat the sand. Life is good here on the west coast:)

brotherly love
Daddy and Owen playing 'astronaut'

My smiley boy!!!!

Long Beach Aquarium in July

Cousin Albin from Sweden. They boys loved Albin and his buddy must have been the accents;)

Owen helping Daddy take apart his crib a while back and he then helped him put together his big boy bed:)

Always smiles.

Owen still likes to run around with no pants on from time to time. Too funny:)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dangerous games!

Life is so fun with 2 little boys in the house! Owen is starting to be more aware of Isaiah's presence. It's usually a question like, "Mommy, Isaiah sleep again now?" (when he wants Isaiah to go to sleep so that he can have undivided attention) and frantic yelling of "WHERE'S THE PACIFIER!?!" when Owen wants Isaiah to stop crying. It's pretty funny. I can't help but to laugh and that just makes Owen mad. Yes, he's sensitive;)
Isaiah was 3 months old yesterday. I am guessing he weighs around 12.5 lbs or so. He hasn't rolled over yet but it won't be long I'm sure. He is a fabulous sleeper, is the most smiley baby ever, and as of lately loves to sit in the bumbo and watch me cook. We are so lucky.
I have been trying to encourage some interaction with Owen and Isaiah lately, and trying to force a 2 year old to "play" with a baby is about I took them both to the back yard a few days ago and let Owen push Isaiah around in a baby doll stroller. (yes-I was right next to them the whole time-laughing) Owen loved it and Isaiah had no idea what was going on, but didn't seem to mind it. Oh the trouble these boys are going to get into...I can't wait.

This is still the face we get when we tell Owen to smile...the half smile wink.

Darn redeye. We think his eyes are turning brown.
Probably watching Diego...his favorite right now.
Of course big brother had to sit in the bumbo too;)

Owen's first drawing of a head all on his own. He added ears right after this but I didn't get a pic.

Owen and Caitlin chose their own hats to wear before going for a walk.